The Do's and Don'ts of Taking Your Protein

Adding a protein powder to your daily regiment can help with boost muscle growth and recovery, aid in weight loss, increase your metabolic rate, and offer endless amounts of benefits to your health. But there are a few things you may be able to improve on, and things to lookout for when incorporating a protein powder into your diet.


Taking your protein at the wrong time

If you are looking to achieve a certain goal like muscle gain or recovery, then there are specific times to take your protein. So we ask, when should you drink a protein shake?

If you want to reap the most benefits from your workout routine, then drink it after your session to give your body the essential muscle recovery and muscle-building nutrients needed.

Taking your protein before your workout to helps curb your hunger and delivers essential amino acids to your muscles. 


Relying on having a protein shake in place of a meal

While a protein shake is an easy way to get added nutrition in your diet, it shouldn't be your only source of protein! Instead, use your shake in addition to whole foods to boost your protein intake. To learn more on this, check out our article onBest Sources of Plant Protein.​ When replacing meals, if your keep your hunger at bay,add a balance of protein, carbs, and fat to stay feeling full. While veggies such as kale or spinach help add the necessary fiber to your diet.


Adding unhealthy ingredients to your shake

We highly recommend trying out new recipes with your protein.. and even have a few you we think you’ll like! But too much of a good thing can turn your shake from a nutrition powerhouse into something unhealthy.

Calories can add up fast when you're making a smoothie, even if you're using add-ins like fruit, vegetables, or nuts.What ingredients you add will differ depending on if you're making a post-workout recovery recipe vs for weight loss. If you like your shake on the creamy side, then you may want to skip the whole milk and use something like avocado, banana, or zucchini to thicken up your shake instead. Just remember to listen to what additional nutrition your body may need and decide on the extras from there.

Ignoring your body's intolerances.

This is a big one, as up to 65% of the population is sensitive to dairy​!If you have food allergies or intolerances, be sure to choose a base for your shake that works with your body. PlantFusion protein powders can be mixed with water if you want to keep it simple (& delicious!), but if you prefer milk there's several non-dairy alternatives to choose from. There are a few things to keep an eye out for when making this decision.

Look out for allergens like soy, while avoiding added sugars, gums, and vegetable oils in plant-based milks.Some great non-dairy milk substitutes are almond, flax, and hemp.
